Nancy Gorow Lehto

Profile Updated: June 27, 2020
Nancy Gorow
What year did you Graduate? 1961
Where have you lived and where do you live now? LIttleton, CO USA
Married, divorced, single? married 50+years
Kids, Grandkids, Great Grandkids? Tell us about them: 6 grandkids; no greats yet
Still working or retired? Highlights you want to share: working part time
Yes! Attending Reunion
What years did you attend FUHS?


What Elementary School Did You Attend?

LA, Laguna Beach, Tempe, AZ and Fullerton

Best FUHS School Memories:

science class field trips, watching water polo, football games and baseball games, working at the YWCA

Who Was Your Favorite Teacher?

It's been too long - can't remember names. Science teacher and English teacher were favorites
