Vern Lund

Profile Updated: August 25, 2014
What year did you Graduate? 1961
Military Service: Navy  
Where have you lived and where do you live now? Madera, CA USA
Married, divorced, single? Married
Kids, Grandkids, Great Grandkids? Tell us about them: None
Still working or retired? Highlights you want to share: Still at it!
What Elementary School Did You Attend?

Raymond and Wilshire

Tell us about your life and travels since FUHS:

FJC for AA in electronics, then CalPoly for BS in engineering, 1968, a few years flying for Uncle Sam then started my aircraft business in Madera. Married the right woman, finally, and started flying for various airlines. Some folded up, some threatened to fold, finished at age 60 with Allegiant.
Fly for a few clients (still) and working on an old airplane project. Seen most of the U.S. and parts of England, France, Germany and Asia. We own eight dogs and love 'em all. Gotten heavy and some of my hair turned gray and the rest turned loose

Best FUHS School Memories:


Posted: Aug 25, 2014 at 12:34 PM