Tom Bates

Profile Updated: August 7, 2019
What year did you Graduate? 1956
Military Service: Army  
Where have you lived and where do you live now? Berkeley, CA USA
Married, divorced, single? Married
Kids, Grandkids, Great Grandkids? Tell us about them: 7 grandchild, 6 boys and1 girl; 2 college grads, 1 in college, 4 in high school
Still working or retired? Highlights you want to share: Retired, Alameda County Supervisor, 20 years State Assemblyman, 14 years Mayor of Berkeley
Yes! Attending Reunion
What years did you attend FUHS?


What Elementary School Did You Attend?

Lowell Grammar School

Tell us about your life and travels since FUHS:

Married to Loni Hancock, first women elected Mayor of Berkeley, State Legislator of 14 years. We have traveled the world-Central America, South America, Europe, Asia, Russia, Australia and the Pacific Islands.
Loni and I together have spent 80 years in public service. We love living in Berkeley and continue to work on climate change and social equity.

Best FUHS School Memories:

Sports were a big part of favorable memories. I played 4 years on the football and basketball teams and was Boy’s League President. I developed life long friendships and shared many great times with my friends.

Who Was Your Favorite Teacher?

My favorite teacher was my Physiology teacher, who gave me a A, that I didn’t think I deserved, to help me get into Cal Berkeley. It was a life changing event and demonstrates that a carving teacher can make a huge difference in a persons life.