Rose Marie Leach Hutain

Profile Updated: August 27, 2018
What year did you Graduate? 1954
Where have you lived and where do you live now? Santa Ana, CA USA
Married, divorced, single? Married to Frank Hutain
Kids, Grandkids, Great Grandkids? Tell us about them: 3 Children
6 Grandchildren
10 Great Grandchildren
Still working or retired? Highlights you want to share: Retired
What years did you attend FUHS?

1950 - 1954

What Elementary School Did You Attend?

Lincoln Elementary, Garden Grove, CA Grades K - 4
Chapman Ave. Elementary, Fullerton, CA Grades 4 - 6

Wilshire Jr. High, Fullerton, CA Grades 7 & 8

Tell us about your life and travels since FUHS:

After graduating from FUHS in 1954, I continued my education at FJC (Fullerton Jr. College), graduating in 1956. I later returned to CSUF (Cal State Fullerton), taking 7 years to complete my Bachelor's Degree. It was a wonderful experience & I celebrated the occasion in Full Cap & Gown at Commencement when I was 45. My family attended & cheered loudly.

I retired at age 55 after being widowed & remarried to a great man. We traveled, taking several trips a year....some cross country in a motorhome & international travel. We have had a wonderful "old age."