Laurie Milbrandt Botting

Profile Updated: September 21, 2021
What year did you Graduate? 1980
Where have you lived and where do you live now? Davis, CA USA
Married, divorced, single? Married
Kids, Grandkids, Great Grandkids? Tell us about them: One child
Still working or retired? Highlights you want to share: retiired
Yes! Attending Reunion
What years did you attend FUHS?


What Elementary School Did You Attend?

Ford Elementary School, and Raymond Elementary School

Best FUHS School Memories:

Loved my alma matter, drill team, football games, and my friends..and so many of my teachers, and courses. The school farm too!

Who Was Your Favorite Teacher?

Mr. Knorr, Mr. Bradshaw, Mrs. Randall, many more can't recall all the names